

Interesting Tree Names

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二球懸鈴木(英國梧桐 ),二球一組


  • 大蕉Musa x paradisiaca
  • 白蘭Michelia x alba
  • 二球懸鈴木Platanus x acerifolia

大蕉是一個多次改良下的品種,可以更容易種植,細小種子 香蕉便變得更為可口.

白蘭是由兩棵同屬品種雜交而來.此樹少見果實,平常用高空壓條法來繁殖. 以谷主見解,結果的白蘭樹是少見樹木,作為教育用途是應該加以識別的.

二球懸鈴木(英國梧桐) Platanus x acerifolia在香港也有種植,它的x顯示它是雜交品種,由一球懸鈴木(美國梧桐P. occidentalis)三球懸鈴木(法國梧桐 P. orientalis)而來的.未知一球懸鈴木和三球懸鈴木是否適合香港環境,否則三棵樹木並排而種,結果時以樹上果實的一球,兩球和三球來辨認,甚有特色.

The system of naming plants is binomial nomenclature.  The botanical names of each species are usually formed by the combination of two words, which are in a modern form of Latin.  The first word is the genus name and the second word identifying the species within that genus. There is an exception where there is an 「x」 in between the two names.  According to 「Flora of Hong Kong」, the trees in Hong Kong which get an 「x」 are:

. Common Banana (Musa x paradisiaca)
. White Champak (Michelia x alba)
. London Plane (Platanus x acerifolia)

Common Banana is a variety which has been repeatedly improved.  It becomes easier to cultivate and the small seeds become more delicious. 

White Champak is the hybridization of two from the same genus.  Fruit is rare. It is usually propagated by air-layering.  I think as fruiting White Champak is not common, for educational purpose, it should be clearly and correctly identified. 

London plane has also been grown in Hong Kong.  Its 「x」 indicates that it is a hybrid of American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) and Oriental plane (Platanus orientalis).  We don』t know if American Sycamore and Oriental plane can survive in Hong Kong.  Otherwise, it would be quite interesting to see these three kinds of trees standing side by side.  Then, when it』s the fruiting season, we can identify the trees by counting the quantity of fruit in a cluster. This is quite distinctive, isn』t it? 



見過一些樹牌中的白蘭寫成Michelia alba,把中間的x抹掉了,看來做牌的人對學名並不瞭解!

I have seen some tree labels of White Champak written as Michelia alba without the 「x」.  It does seem that the staff who prepare the labels do not have much understanding in botanical names!

*translated by Mary Chung

作者: Leon Lau, 譯者: Mary Chung

facebook群組, s94096507@gmail.com

下一篇 命名者的疑惑