
Granduncle Trees

住在郊區的村民相信對村內的土地和伯公樹不會陌生吧. 土地是看護整條村的神靈,每個村也有一個.伯公樹是靠近土地的一棵樹木,通常是一些高大的原生喬木,可以是樟,秋楓,細葉榕,滇糙葉樹等等,有人說,當 村民向土地祈福時,可以經旁邊的樹木那深入泥土的根部傳達信息.伯公樹對村民自然是很重要的樹木了.

「Village deity」 and 「Granduncle trees」 are no strangers to villagers living in rural areas.  「Village deity」 is the guardian angel of the entire village and each village has one.  「Granduncle trees」 are those trees usually grow near the 「village deity」.  They are usually some very tall native trees such as Camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora), Autumn Maple (Bischofia javanica), Chinese Banyan (Ficus microcarpa), Small-leaved Aphananthe (Aphananthe cuspidara) etc.  It』s said that when the villagers pray to the 「land deity」, the roots of these nearby trees help transmitting the prayers.   「Granduncle trees」 are naturally very important to the villagers.

*translated by Mary Chung


Chinese Banyan (Ficus microcarpa)

Camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora) 


Small-leaved Aphananthe (Aphananthe cuspidara)


Autumn Maple (Bischofia javanica)


Lychee (Litchi chinensis)

作者: Leon Lau, 譯者: Mary Chung

facebook群組, s94096507@gmail.com

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