

Granduncle Trees

Autumn Maple (Bischofia javanica)
伯公樹多選用本地原生樹木,秋楓便是其中的一種.這種樹木相當常見,卻常出現辨認錯誤的問題.以往秋楓和重陽木是當作同一樹種,後期行內注重了樹木辨認,便仔細分為秋楓和重陽木兩棵樹種.早入行的樹木從業員多稱此樹為重陽木,習以為常.也因此,現時在多個公園,甚至苗圃見到的秋楓都認作重陽木.谷主每次看見時都搖頭歎息.品種的正確辨認讓我們更有效的維護保養樹木,但當舊知識阻礙了學習時, 要提升個人能力便困難了.

Local native trees are usually selected as 「granduncle trees」 and Autumn Maple (Bischofia javanica) is one of them.  This tree is quite common but often mistakenly identified.  It used to be that Autumn Maple and Chinese Bishop Wood (Bischofia polycarpa) were regarded as the same species.  Later when the industry pays more attention to tree identification, then the two species were clearly distinguished.  Early employees in the industry use to call Autumn Maple as Chinese Bishop Wood.  As a result, many parks and even the nurseries, you can see that Autumn Maple is identified as Chinese Bishop Wood.  Whenever I see it, I can』t help heaving a sigh.  To identify correctly the species enhances effective maintenance of trees.  When old knowledge hinders our learning, it』s difficult to build up our personal capability.

*translated by Mary Chung

作者: Leon Lau, 譯者: Mary Chung

facebook群組, s94096507@gmail.com

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