


- King of Buttress Roots



Tall tree are usually accompanied with buttress roots as support to the trunks; whereas those growing in muddy seashore rely on buttress roots to get themselves stabilized.  Examples of the former are Common red stem (Ficus variegata var. chlorocarpa), Small-leaved Aphananthe (Aphananthe cuspidate), Kapok Ceiba (Ceiba pentandra); that of the latter is Looking-glass tree (Heritiera littoralis).

Located at the center of Hong Kong Island, Victoria Park was opened in October, 1957.  There is a number of Kapok Ceiba (Ceiba pentandra) near Causeway Road.  They are the tall tree species.  They are assessed to be of only about 50 years old but at a height of 32 meters.  It is believed that this species grows at a even more astounding height in its native land.  The buttresses of one of them reach 3-4 meters tall.  It is even taller than any ordinary trees.  It can be called the 「King of buttress roots」.

*translated by Mary Chung

作者: Leon Lau, 譯者: Mary Chung

facebook群組, s94096507@gmail.com

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