


- Chinese Fan Palm (Livistonia chinensis) and Short-nosed Fruit Bat (Cynopterus sphinx)
香港有26種蝙蝠,部分進駐在市區公園內,太陽下山時雀鳥回巢休息,接力的是蝙蝠離開家園出外覓食.今次介紹的短吻果蝠住在九龍公園近海防道入口的蒲葵樹葉堆中,附近還有數棵青果榕.它們利用葵樹樹葉改建 成為帳篷巢,食物是青果榕的果實,在市區內居住但求一宿兩餐並不難,也難怪是常見品種.

In Hong Kong, there are 26 species of bats.  Some station in the city parks.  When the sun sets and birds return to their nests, bats leave their homes and prowl in the night.  This time, I would like to introduce Short-nosed fruit bat which lives in amongst the fronds of Chinese Fan Palm near Haiphong Road entrance in Kowloon Park.  There are also a few Common red stem (Ficus variegata var. chlorocarpa) near by.  The bats make use of the Fan palm fronds to build a tent nest.  Its food is the fruit of Common red stem.  Living in urban areas without asking more than two meals a day and a place to live is not too difficult. No wonder it is commonly found.



The bat habitat of Chinese Fan Palm plus Ficus trees is quite common in parks. If you pay more attention, you will find bats in the parks nearby.  Chinese always take 「bat」 as 「blessing」 (the same pronunciation) and, therefore, are happy to have bats in the neighborhood. 

Some other favorite plants of Fruit Bat are: fruit of Chinaberry (Melia azedarach), flowers of African tulip tree (Spathodea campanulata), flowers of Birdwood』s mucuna (Mucuna birdwoodiana), flowers of Banana (Musa spp.), fruit of Banyan (Ficus spp.).

*translated by Mary Chung

作者: Leon Lau, 譯者: Mary Chung

facebook群組, s94096507@gmail.com

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