

Interesting Tree Names

-        「Nets above on the Left」 and 「Snares below on the Right」 plus 「Dragon King across the Hummock」 (Guo Gang Long)

大埔滘自然護理區休憩區內有一棵榼籐子,又名過崗龍,是超巨形籐本,在根部起分成數個攀緣枝幹,在森林中的樹冠間穿梭,在不落地情況下,在樹冠中攀緣開去. 我們置身森林中,找不到它的源頭,也看不見它的終點,只知道 走不出它的覆蓋!當你經過大埔滘自然護理區時,可不要錯過這棵當地的標誌樹.



古怪的攀籐分成五支幹,攀緣在四周樹木頂部,鋪天蓋地,形成"左天羅,右地網"的格局.它的枝條壓迫著多棵樹木的生長,在樹底下又有惡蟲守護, 把過路人無情痛擊.此情此景就如童話故事中,森林裡有大魔王盤據,專欺負弱小;而小妖仗勢殘害路過的遊人;先知述說 傳說警告世人.

There is a Giant bean (Entada phaseoloides as botanical name and 「Guo Gang Long」 as its common Chinese name) in the recreation zone at Tai Po Kau Forest Nature Reserve.  It is a giant woody climber branching out at its roots into climbing vines shuttling among tree canopies in the forest.  It never lands on ground but hangs from one tree to another.  When you are in the forest, you can neither figure out its origin nor the end.  What you know is that you cannot escape from its coverage! Next time when you pass by Tai Po Kau Forest Nature Reserve, don』t miss this landmark tree.

This vine has been growing with the nearby trees.  After so many years, trees have grown into huge trees and the vine becomes giant vine.  

Around its roots lives a wicked bug.  Whenever I bring groups there, for sure, participants will be bitten with swollen legs and feet.  Fortunately, they will recover after a few days.

This quirky climber has five limbs, climbing around on the top of trees overwhelmingly forming a layout of 「nets above on the left and snares below on the right」.  Its branches oppress the growth of many trees.  There is also an evil guardian at its foot which attacks passer-bys without mercy.  Doesn』t it sound like a fairy tale?  King Devil entrenches in the forest bullying the small and weak.  A goblin kicks around and harasses the passer-bys.  The prophets did warn us well in advance the cause and effect.

*translated by Mary Chung

作者: Leon Lau, 譯者: Mary Chung

facebook群組, s94096507@gmail.com

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